Quit for your loved ones

Did you know? Quitting smoking benefits your loved ones too!

When you quit smoking, you’re not just making a positive change for yourself.

You're also protecting the health and wellbeing of those you care about the most.

Smoking doesn’t just harm your health, it also exposes those around you to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. If you smoke in your home or car, your loved ones – especially children – are at risk of breathing in harmful chemicals, which can lead to serious health problems.

Some people choose to smoke outside to reduce this risk but did you know that second-hand smoke can still linger on your clothes, hair and skin? This means even when you smoke outside you might still expose your loved ones to harmful toxins. Plus, stepping outside for a cigarette means missing out on valuable family moments.

The best way to protect your family’s health and fully enjoy life’s important moments is to quit smoking for good.

Man placing down birthday cake with candles in front of young girl

Start your quit journey with Help Me Quit by calling us for free on 0800 085 2219

Evidence shows that quitting together improves the chance of success for you both.

Whether you quit on your own or with others, start your quit journey today and get ready to feel the difference. You’ll feel better, save money, protect your family, and create more memories that truly matter.

The Hidden Dangers of Second-Hand Smoke

When you smoke, you breath in only a small amount of the smoke your cigarette produces. Most of it ends up in the air around you, exposing others to what’s known as passive or second hand smoke.

This smoke is extremely harmful to anyone who breathes it in, as it contains over 4000 toxic chemicals, many of which are linked to serious health problems. 85% of the smoke of it is invisible, so what you see is only the tip of the iceberg.

Second hand smoke can cause:

Increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease in non-smokers
Reduced lung function in people with asthma and those with chronic respiratory conditions
Increased risk of lower respiratory infections in children, such as pneumonia and bronchitis
Increased risk of middle ear disease in children
Double the risk of bacterial meningitis
Double the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, also known as cot death), for babies living with smokers

Children exposed to second-hand smoke are not only at risk of health issues but are also up to four times more likely to become smokers themselves later in life, increasing their chances of developing smoking-related diseases.

Second hand smoke doesn’t just affect people – it’s also been linked to breathing problems and certain cancers in pets too.

Portrait of an older man smiling with pink background

I was diagnosed with cancer, and I suddenly thought of my grandchildren, I needed to stop smoking.

Contact us

Help Me Quit offers free, supportive services to help you stop smoking for good. Trust us to help you quit smoking to improve your own and your family’s health.

Newid i'r Gymraeg

Take the first step Call us, or we'll call you

Trust us to help you quit smoking. Call us on 0800 085 2219 or enter your details and we will call you.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg heb oedi.

We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh without delay.

If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing please send an email to helpmequit@wales.nhs.uk with your details and needs and we will get back to you with a range of options in your local area.