Quit for your finances

Stop smoking, start saving

Quitting smoking doesn’t just benefit your health—it can be a massive boost for your bank balance too!

Did you know the average smoker in the UK spends thousands of pounds each year on cigarettes?

That’s money you could put towards things you’ve been dreaming of. Let’s break it down.

Man passing young girl a present both sat down with birthday decorations around them

How much could you save?

Use our Savings Calculator to see exactly how much you could save and start planning your next big treat!

Don’t worry if you pay less (or more) for cigarettes than the examples above—you can adjust the packet price to match what you spend. We’ve even got you covered if you use rolling tobacco—just pop in the details, and we’ll help you work out your savings.

It’s quick, easy, and might just be the motivation you need to stop smoking and start saving.

Hand putting a coin into a money pot which is half full

Your savings calculator


You'll save...

Based on average pack of 20 king sized cigarettes costing £16.35

£57 Weekly
£249 Monthly
£2984 Yearly

It’s never too late to stop smoking

Contact Help Me Quit today to take your first step towards a smoke-free future and the financial freedom that comes with it.

Call 0800 085 2219
Text HMQ to 80818
Request a callback
portrait of a man smiling with pink background

I was easily spending well over 60 pounds a week on cigarettes. Having that extra money now is excess in the bank account with having a baby as well. It has absolutely helped wonders.

Newid i'r Gymraeg

Take the first step Call us, or we'll call you

Trust us to help you quit smoking. Call us on 0800 085 2219 or enter your details and we will call you.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg heb oedi.

We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh without delay.

If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing please send an email to helpmequit@wales.nhs.uk with your details and needs and we will get back to you with a range of options in your local area.