I’m not sure I’m ready to quit smoking

Portrait of a woman smiling with trees behind her

The most important decision

Whilst we are here to help you quit, we don’t pretend that the decision to quit smoking is easy. If you’ve been a smoker for a few years or more, then the first cigarette in the morning, or the one after work is something that might feel like part of your routine.

So, whilst deciding to quit isn’t easy, it is the single best thing you can do for your health. By quitting you greatly increase your chances of living for longer and enjoying better health in your later life.

Think about the benefits you will get from a smoke-free future.

Unfortunately, smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in Wales. You’ve already heard about the risks of smoking before from your GP or pharmacist but it’s really the benefits of quitting we want you to think about now.

What are the benefits of quitting?

By quitting, you will save about £5,000 every year if you’re smoking 20 a day now. Maybe you smoke less than this, but however many you smoke, the extra money you’ve saved will soon add up. You can put this towards those more important things that you really want to spend your hard earned cash on. Find out how much you can save with our savings calculator.

Within 3 days of quitting you’ll start to feel like you have more energy

You’ll also start to feel healthier. Whilst your body won’t fully recover overnight you will feel that within less than a week of quitting, your energy levels get a boost as your breathing becomes easier.

This isn’t my first time

If you’ve tried to quit before then you may be thinking whether this time will be any different. You’re not alone, evidence tells us that people usually take a few quit attempts before they quit for good.

We understand that quitting isn’t easy, but even if you’ve used Help Me Quit before we’re here to help support you again. Every quit attempt brings you closer to being smoke-free for good.

No one will judge you for coming to us again.

Maybe you didn’t get it right first time

Nicotine is an addictive drug, so it’s no surprise that people find it difficult to remove it from their lives and might need a few attempts to get it right. That’s why we are here to help.

So, regardless of what your health is like, how long you’ve been smoking or how many times you’ve tried to quit, choosing Help Me Quit is the best decision you can make for both you and your family today. Our team are ready to help, and we can get you started in a matter of days.

You have nothing to lose by giving it a go. It’s never too late to make a positive change.

portrait of a man smiling with pink background

The scheme is easily accessible. Isn’t as if you got to go through all these heaps and fill out all these forms. It’s easily accessible. You’re speaking to people over the phone. You’ve got a range of diverse options there.

Newid i'r Gymraeg

Take the first step Call us, or we'll call you

Trust us to help you quit smoking. Call us on 0800 085 2219 or enter your details and we will call you.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg heb oedi.

We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh without delay.

If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing please send an email to helpmequit@wales.nhs.uk with your details and needs and we will get back to you with a range of options in your local area.