Request a callback
General enquiries

Help Me Quit
Public Health Wales
No 2 Capital Quarter
Tyndall Street
CF10 4BZ
Telephone : 0800 085 2219
Text: HMQ to 80818
Request a call back

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ymateb yn Gymraeg heb oedi.
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh. We will respond in Welsh without delay.


Media enquiries

Journalists wishing to contact Help Me Quit should contact Public Health Wales Communication Team on 029 2034 8755 (24 hours).

Less urgent media enquires can be directed to the Help Me Quit Team using the above contact details.

Have a concern about the stop smoking service you have received?

If you are not happy with the service you have received in the first instance please contact your local service provider. Or you can email your concern and feedback.

Have a concern about the Help Me Quit contact centre team?

If you are not happy with service you have received from the Help Me Quit contact centre team please contact the Operational Manager using the contact details above.

Freedom of Information Act

Public Health Wales is classed as a Public Authority under the Freedom of Information Act. This website is continually being updated as a major source of information, but if you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact us on the numbers above, or your local office which will assist and advise you to find the information you are looking for.

Full details of the Freedom of Information act can be found here.